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Life After Heart Valve Surgery


Life After Heart Valve Surgery

In our body, there are many organs like lungs, heart, gall bladder, liver and many more and each organ has equal importance in our body. You should take care of each organ of your body. Heart is one of the important organs of your body as it pumps blood in your body through blood vessels. Healthy heart is very important. Quality of food you consume and your daily activity affects your heart. So, you should consume healthy food and also daily workout is important for your heart as this makes your heart healthy. Blood pressure is that factor which affects heart’s health directly. It is very important to maintain blood pressure. You should check your blood pressure regularly in order to keep control over it.


Your overall weight is directly related with blood pressure and hypertension. If you have excessive weight, it will affect your blood pressure and that can affect your heart. So, you should maintain your weight to control your blood pressure for having healthy heart. If your heart gets any problem, you should consult your doctor firstly so that you will be able to get treatment quickly. If problem is small, it can be cured with medicine and if problem is serious then doctors can recommend surgery. There are four valves in your heart:

  • Aortic valve
  • Mitral valve
  • Tricuspid valve
  • Pulmonic valve

Aortic valve is generally replaced, mitral valve is repaired, tricuspid and pulmonic valve both can be replaced or repaired. Doctors repair valves so that they can work better and the patient can have improved quality of life. Replacement is done in case valve is totally damaged and so the doctors replace it with new one. In surgery, doctors place a ring around opening of valve. Surgeon may cut or reshape the flaps of the valve depending on the situation.

Once your heart valve surgery is completed, your heart will start beating again by its own. But you have to take care of some important factors like food, light exercises. With these, your condition will start improving. It’s true it will take some time to adjust with new or repaired valve. You must ignore high calorie food and oily food. You must concern doctor before doing any type of exercise after surgery. Regular checkup is must after surgery; you must concern doctor if you feel any disturbance in heart. You must take care of your blood pressure and weight as they are main causes of heart problems. Healthy food is only key to healthy heart.