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The Explanation of Open Heart Surgery, Procedure, Risk and Recovery

Explanation of Open Heart Surgery

The Explanation of Open Heart Surgery, Procedure, Risk and Recovery

There are many surgeries which are performed in heart diseases; open heart surgery is one of them. In open heart surgery, the chest is cut open and work with muscles, valves. The open heart surgery is required in coronary artery bypass grafting. The CABG gives culmination in providing the oxygen and blood which makes the heart muscles tight and thick. And this disease is called as hardening of the arteries.

Procedure of the surgery:

As per the doctors, the process of operation is very sensitive so they need to be prepared to face such challenges. In the starting anesthesia is given to the patient to stay asleep and relax before the process. Then 8-10 inch cut is made on the chest and make heart visible. Once the heart is apparent then heart-lung bypass machine is used to supply the blood. After the operation, the doctor makes the stitches giving the same position to skin.

Risk after the operation:

After the surgery, there might be some side effects like chest wound infection. Heart and stroke are also found after the operation. In many cases, abnormal heartbeat, lung or kidney malfunction could be after the surgery. Chest pain and low fever are commonly come out later the operation. And memory loss, blood clot, blood loss, breathing difficulty, pneumonia is the main issues next to the surgery.

Recovery of the surgery:

After the open heart surgery, the recovery needs little bit time so the patient must follow the doctor’s instructions.

  • The doctor suggests some relevant medicine after the operation and asks for the weekly follow up that would be extended after some appointment and changes in health.
  • The patient should be very serious about the precaution like keeping incision site warm and dry. You should never touch the area without washing the hand because germs of the hand would be harmful to that area.
  • After the surgery, some side effects could be raised including body pain, chest pain, throat pain etc. So the pain should be managed with proper medicine and the doctor always adds the pills.
  • The sleep is important to get the relief and able to handle the pain. Thus it is vital to have enough sleep that could be good for the heart too.
  • Never give the pressure to the chest after the surgery because it could be harmful to get recovered.

The whole process is possible with an experienced team and well-reputed hospital. Thus a patient should prefer the right hospital after making the research.