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Valvular Heart Surgery Procedure

Valvular Heart Surgery

Valvular Heart Surgery Procedure

Heart valve surgery is an open heart surgery that is done to repair or change the damaged valves. Valve surgery is needed when the blood in the valves do not flow properly.

There are 4 valves in your heart:-

  • Aortic valve
  • Mitral valve
  • Tricuspid valve
  • Pulmonic valve

Out of these valves, some can only be repaired and some can only be replaced like aortic valve is generally replaced and mitral valve is generally repaired. On the other hand, tricuspid valve and pulmonic valve are rarely repaired or replaced.

In this surgery, valve is repaired so that it can work better. This surgery is generally done when old valve is damaged and is replaced with new valve. The decision whether your valve needs replacement or not is decided by your surgeon and it depends on your heart conditions. While repairing the valve, the surgeon attaches a ring around the opening part of the valve. That is known as ring annuloplasty. Surgeon may cut and reshape the flaps of the valve which is known as leaflets. Surgeon may remove old valve and put new valve.

There are mainly two types of new valves that are placed during the surgery:

  • Mechanical
  • Biological

Mechanical valve is made of metal like titanium, stainless steel etc. This valve works for longer time, it means it has longer life. Biological valve are prepared from animal and human tissues. Life of this valve is less and amounts to 12 – 15 years.

Before the Procedure

Before procedure starts, your surgeon will discuss your situation with you and your family members. Surgeon with discuss full case with his team members and depending upon your consent & medical conditions, final decision will be taken.

During the Procedure

During procedure, surgeon will perform different tasks:

  • Time to time discussion of your situation with your family members
  • Discuss the procedure with team members

Surgeon will first open your chest and then your heart. At that time, your heart temporarily stops and you are put on machine that helps you in breathing as well as blood circulation. During that time, the procedure that will be followed will depend on your situation.

After Procedure

After your surgery, your heart will be in better condition. Full report will be given to your family members. For some time, you will be kept in ICU. You will be closely observed and special care will be taken in ICU. This procedure is highly successful these days as much advancement has been made in the technology.